La armada India ha empezado el overhaul por valor de 1.5 billones de dólares de su anticuada flota de aviones de la era soviética, para reforzar su potencia en el Oceano Índico, donde China está amenazando su tradicional dominio.
La inversión es una de las mas importantes que ha realizado la Armada India en los últimos años y refleja la urgente necesidad de la India de modernizar su armamento, Su rival, Pakistán, ha declarado que esto podría ser la chispa que desencadenara una carrera armamentística en la zona y desestabilizar la zona.
India planea comprar 16 nuevos MIG-29 fighter jets, 18 LCA TEJAS, UAV y helicópteros multipropósito. Los concursos se prevee que sean publicados en breve. La Armada India tambien está modernizando sus Sea Harrier, los IL-38 antisubmarinos y se esperan 5 helicópteros KA-31 de patrulla, además de que pronto se recibirá un nuevo portaviones.
Los analistas coinciden en que la modernización era un tema pendiente de la Armada India, para contrarrestar el creciente poder de China sobre las aguas de la zona.India y China están librando una batalla para liderar la zona. Además Pakistán también está modernizando fuertemente su armada y aviación.
India's Navy has started a $1.5 billion overhaul of its ageing Soviet-era fleet of aircraft, seeking to boost its air power in an Indian Ocean region where a growing China is threatening its traditional dominance.
The investment is one of the biggest the Indian Navy has made in recent years and reflects New Delhi's urgency to modernise its military, a move that rival Pakistan says could spark an arms buildup and destabilise an already roiled South Asia.
India plans to buy 16 new MIG-29 fighter jets, half a dozen light combat aircraft, unmanned patrol planes and multi-role helicopters. Tenders for these will be floated soon.The Navy is also upgrading its Sea Harrier fighter jets, IL-38 maritime anti-submarine warfare planes and acquiring five Kamov KA-31 patrol helicopters.
"We are acquiring new fighters and helicopters to ... supplement a new aircraft carrier we are getting soon," Commander PVS Satish, the Navy spokesman said in New Delhi on Thursday.
Analysts said the upgrade of the Navy was long due. "It is almost a matter of time before ships from China arrive in India's backyard," said Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at New Delhi's Centre for Policy Research.
India and China are locked in a battle to lead Asia. Indian officials said Pakistan, too, was modernising its Navy. Pakistan's National Command Authority (NCA), which oversees the country's nuclear weapons, said last week India's arms modernisation plans could destabilise the regional balance.
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