Según Defense News, oficiales norteamericanocss, indican que China está modernizando sus arsenales navales, su aviación de combate y su armada con gran rapidez.
Han indicado que China podría tener un portaaviones operativo en 2012, y una fuerza de portaaviones múltiple para 2020.
EL Ejército Popular, dispone de un gran número de aviones de propósito múltiple y se está centrando en mejorar las habilidades de sus pilotos para enfrentarse a todo tipo de aviones, incluso en operaciones sobre el mar. Los oficiales indican que el esfuerzo es considerable en misiles aire-aire, antiaéreos y en misiles antibuque, en especial contra porta aviones. Gran parte de la Fuerza Aérea China son aviones de 4ª generación J-10 de fabricación propia, y los mas modernos cazas rusos. Esto ha hecho que el tradicional dominio de Taiwán sobre el espacio aéreo del estrecho de Taiwán, haya pasado a manos de China popular. Este dominio se verá potenciado cuando vayan entrando en servicio mas cazas modernos y los aviones cisterna previstos.
According Defense News, senior U.S. officials told that China continues modernizing its missile, naval and fighter aircraft arsenals at a rapid rate.
The U.S. officials told that China could have an operational aircraft carrier by 2012 and a multiple operational aircraft carriers by 2020.
The PLA also has a "growing number" of multimission fighter aircraft and that they are focused on improving pilot skills in "multiplane scenarios, including operations over water." He said China has put "considerable effort" into fielding air-to-air and anti-air systems, and has developed an anti-ship ballistic missile to target aircraft carriers. A larger portion of the Chinese Air Force are its own F-10s and Russian-made aircraft. These fourth-generation fighters, as well as China's improved air defenses, "have reversed Taiwan's historic ability to maintain dominance of the airspace over the Taiwan Strait," Gregson said.
This reversal will be further bolstered in coming years, he said, when the PLA fields even more modern aerial combat assets, such as aerial tankers that can refuel its fighter jets.
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