Según Fligth Global y Flight International, El Reino Unido firmará proximamente un contrato para sustituir sus Nimrod R1 de inteligencia electrónica, por 3 RC-135 Rivet Joint, que serán modificados por L-3 Communications Integrated Systems en EE.UU Tres prototipos del Nimrod MRA4 de nueva generación de la RAF, han sido rechazados, debido al estado un tanto anticuado en que se encuentra la flota de Nimrod. La retirada del Nimrod MR2 de patrulla Marítima fue anunciada por sorpresa el pasado diciembre por el Ministerio de Defensa británico. Los vuelos cesarán el 31/03/10, un año antes de lo planificado, y dos antes de que su sustituto, el Nimrod MRA4 fuera entregado. El Nimrod R1 será utilizado hasta que el Rivet Joint esté disponible, gracias al ahorro que supondrá la retirada de la flota de Nimrod MR2.
According Fligth Global and Flight International, UK Ministry of Defence will sign a contract within the next few weeks to replace its British Aerospace Nimrod R1 electronic intelligence aircraft, having deemed the capability an essential element of its future military equipment inventory, for 3 RC-135 Rivet Joint that will be modified for operational use by L-3Communications Integrated Systems in the USA
Three development examples of the Royal Air Force's new-generation Nimrod MRA4 maritime patrol and surveillance aircraft has been rejected, a senior military source says the Rivet Joint contract will be signed "within weeks".
Long-term activities with the RAF's three Nimrod R1s had appeared to be at risk following the MoD's surprise move in December to accelerate the retirement of its remaining Nimrod MR2 maritime patrol aircraft. Its last Kinloss-based MR2s will stop flying by 31 March, a year sooner than previously planned, and two years before the last of nine replacement MRA4s will be handed over.
Ops with the R1 will be safeguarded until the new Rivet Joint assets become available, partially by using cost savings generated by the MR2 fleet retirement.
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