Según India Times, la Fuerza Aérea India, (IAF) obtendrá su segundo AWACS en Marzo, un poco mas tarde de lo previsto. Esto incrementará inmensamente las capacidade de la IAF.
La IAF ha comprado 3 AWACS de Israel, llegando el primero en Mayo de 2009. El radar Phalcon que porta, será integrado también en un IL-76 y tendrá su base en Agra, una de las bases mas importantes y estratégicas del pais.
India forma parte del selecto club de naciones que poseen AWACS ( Estados Unidos, Rusia, Gran Bretaña, Japón, Australia y Turquía, otros como Pakistán, Brasil y Grecia, operan otros AWACS mas limitados).
According India Times the Indian Air Force (IAF) will get its second AWACS in March, a little delayed than scheduled. It would enhance IAF's capabilities tremendously.
The IAF has purchased three AWACS from Israel.The first one arrived in May last year. Like the first one, the cutting-edge technology Phalcon airborne radar is being integrated with the IL-76 heavy-lift aircraft, and will be based also at Agra Air base, home of IL-76 and IL-78 too, and one of the largest in the country and with strategic importance.
India is in the select club of nations - the US, Russia, Britain, Japan, Australia and Turkey - that operate such a sophisticated system. Other countries - notably Pakistan, Brazil and Greece - too operate AWACS but at a much lower end of the scale in terms of capability.
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