El HMS Chatham ha liberado un buque secuestrado que estaba siendo usado como buque nodriza, al este del Golfo de Adén, liberando a su tripulación. La fragata forma parte de la operación OCEAN SHIELD, contra la piratería y desarrollada por la OTAN. El HMS Chatham siguió al al MSV Viskvakalayan, el buque secuestrado, presionando a los piratas hasta que se les agotó el combustible.
Royal Navy warship HMS Chatham has intercepted a hijacked dhow, being used as a pirate mother ship, to the east of the Gulf of Aden and set free its kidnapped crew.
The Royal Navy frigate, which is part of NATO's counter-piracy mission, Operation OCEAN SHIELD, spent three days shadowing MSV Viskvakalayan, exerting pressure on the Somali pirates on board until the vessel ran out of fuel and was forced to stop.
The Somali pirates had previously seized the Indian-flagged dhow to use as their mother ship.
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