El ministro de Defensa australiano ha anunciado que el gobierno va a abrir un concurso para dotar de un nuevo helicóptero de combate para la marina (RAN), tras el rechazo de la RAN de los Kaman SH-2G(A) Super Sea Sprite, ya modernizados por el fabricante y que no cumplían con los requisitos exigidos. La RAN deseaba que el gobierno aprobara una "compra rápida" de 24 Sikorsky MH-60R Sea Hawk, pero esto fue rechazado por el gobierno, al considerar que debería evaluarese al NH90, ya que el Ejército recibirá 40 a partir de 2014, y la RAN recibirá seis para sustituir a Westland Sea King.
The Australian Minister for Defence announced that the government is to pursue a new naval combat helicopter for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).
The new tender follows the failure of the RAN to accept the Kaman SH-2G(A) Super Sea Sprite into service due to the type not meeting Australian airworthiness certification standards.
The RAN had wanted the government to approve a ‘rapid acquisition’ of 24 Sikorsky MH-60R Sea Hawks, but this was scuppered with the cabinet insisting the NHIndustries NH90 should also be considered, as 40 are being delivered to the Australian Army for service entry by 2014 and the RAN is to have six to replace the maritime support Westland Sea Kings of 817 Squadron.
Under the new tender, the Government is to acquire sufficient helicopters to provide at least eight concurrently embarked on ships at sea, requiring a fleet of 24.
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