Israel ha acusado a Hezbollah de poseer misiles Scud que podrían alcanzar cualquier punto de Israel, tras acusar a Siria de ser el proveedor a la guerrilla libanesa. que mantuvo una guerra con Israel en 2006.
Shimon Peres, acusó a Siria de doble juego, al hablar de paz, y a la vez armar a la guerrilla, algo que Siria ha negado.
Israeli defense officials said Wednesday that they believe Hezbollah has Scud missiles that could hit all of Israel, a day after Israel's president accused Syria of supplying the Lebanese guerrillas with the weapons. The officials told that the Scuds could alter the strategic balance with Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militia that battled Israel to a stalemate during a month-long war in 2006.
President Shimon Peres, speaking in Paris, charged Tuesday that Syria is playing a double game, talking about peace while "delivering Scuds to Hezbollah"
Syrian Embassy dismissed the allegations and accused Israel of trying to divert attention from questions about Israel's nuclear program.
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