
Apr 24, 2010


Los ministros de defensa de la OTAN, reunidos en Tallinn acordaron incluir a Bosnia Herzegovina en el programa de pre-adhesión, siempre y cuando el país balcánico realice una serie de reformas.
En la decisión tuvo gran peso Turquía, totalmente favorable a la adhesión. Mediante este programa de pre-adhesión se garantiza ayuda en la modernización de las Fuerzas Armadas.
La expansión de la OTAN, es considerada una amenaza para Rusia, sobre todo por la posible adhesión de Ucrania y Georgia, que aceptaron ser candidatos en 2008, aunque tras la guerra entre Rusia y Georgia en 2008, el proceso parece haberse estancado.
Nato foreign ministers gathered in Tallinn agreed to include Bosnia and Herzegovina in the military alliance's official pre-accession programme dubbed the membership action plan, but linked the process to a series of outstanding reforms in the fragile post-Yugoslav state.

The decision was taken after intense discussions, with some members arguing that Bosnia was not yet ready for the step, while others, notably Turkey, pressed strongly for it. The programme offers technical assistance and practical support in reforming a country's defence and security structures ahead of accession.
Nato enlargement is considered a threat to national security in the new Russian military doctrine put forward in February by President Dmitri Medvedev. However, this wording refers more to Ukraine and Georgia, who are Russia's immediate neighbours, than the Balkan countries.
Both Kiev and Tbilisi sought to be accepted for a Membership Action Plan in 2008, but Nato members hesitated in granting it to them, amid staunch opposition from Russia. After the August war between Georgia and Russia, MAP for these two countries seems to have been postponed indefinitely, although it has been promised that they will join eventually.

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