
Apr 23, 2010

Maniobras militares de Irán en el estrecho de Ormuz/Iranian Military Conducts Offensive, Defensive Wargame at the Straits of Hormoz

Iran está realizando desde el 22 de abril un gran ejercicio militar a larga escala en el Golfo Pérsico. Ha sido mostrado publicamente el asalto a un buque enemigo de desembarco, llevado a cabo por lanchas rápidas, que atacaban el buque con misiles antibuques y RPG de corto alcance, que terminó con el asalto al buque mediante helicópteros. Finalmente el "buque asaltante", fué hundido mediante un torpedo.

Iran began today (April 22, 2010) a large scale exercise held in the Persian Gulf, south of the Hurmoz Straits. Public demonstrations held today simulated a naval assault on enemy landing craft. The assault began with a direct attack by a swarm of fast boats, attacking the target with anti-ship missiles and, by RPGs from very close range. This phase was followed by assault teams boarding the vessel, from the sea and by helicopters. This phase was concluded with a torpedo attack sinking the target ship.

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