La fragata de la Royal Navy HMS Portland ha zarpado para una patrulla por el Atlántico Sur de siete meses de duración, sustituyendo al HMS York.
El buque actuará como reafirmación de la soberaniía de las islas Malvinas y otros territorios británicos de ultramar. La Royal Navy mantiene la presencia en la región durante practicamente todo el año.
The Royal Navy frigate HMS Portland has set sail for a seven-month deployment to the South Atlantic this week.
HMS Portland will take over from HMS York, a Type 42 destroyer.
The deployment is referred to as Atlantic Patrol (South) - the standing naval commitment to provide a frigate or destroyer and a Royal Fleet Auxiliary support vessel to the South Atlantic and West African regions.
The patrol ship provides a maritime presence to protect the UK's interests in the region. She acts as a reassurance to UK overseas territories and Commonwealth and other friendly nations. The Atlantic patrol is responsible for maintaining British sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, including South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
A vessel is present in the Falkland Islands area for the majority of the year - including throughout the southern winter.
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