
Apr 20, 2010

Irán podría alcanzar con misiles a Estados Unidos en 2015/ Iranian missile may be able to hit U.S. by 2015

Iran podría producir un misil intecontinental (ICBM), capaz de alcanzar Estados Unidos para el 2015, según un informe presentado al Congreso por el Departamento de Defensa, si Irán consigue asistencia exterior.
Washington vigila de cerca los avances tecnológicos de Irán, y le acusa de querer conseguir armamento nuclear, por lo que está promoviendo sanciones. Irán lo niega todo, y argumenta que su programa nuclear es para usos pacíficos.
El pasado Enero de 2010, Estados Unidos realizó simulacros de derribo de misiles lanzados por Irán, no consiguiendo suprimir la amenaza.
Iran may be able to build a missile capable of striking the United States by 2015, according to an unclassified Defense Department report on Iran's military sent to Congress and released on Monday.
"With sufficient foreign assistance, Iran could probably develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the United States by 2015,". A classified version was also submitted to Congress.
The timing of advances in Iran's long-range missile technology is being closely watched in Washington, which accuses Tehran of pursuing nuclear weapons and is pushing for a new round of sanctions. Iran denies the charges and says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.
The U.S. military tried and failed to shoot down a simulated Iranian missile strike on the United States in January, in a botched $150 million exercise over the Pacific Ocean. That attempt failed because of a malfunction in a radar built by Raytheon Co.

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