La televisión estatal de Irán ha anunciado que se han lanzado una serie de misiles como parte de las maniobras que se están realizando en el estrecho de Ormuz. No se comunicó las características de los misiles ni si son un nuevo diseño, aunque previamente la agencia Fars había comunicado los cuatro tipos de misiles que se emplearían en las maniobras, entre ellos el Nasr 1, misil de corto alcance con capacidad de hundir buques de hasta 3.000 tm.
Iran's state television says the country has fired a series of missiles as part of an ongoing large-scale military maneuvers in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz.
The TV report Sunday said five ground-to-sea and sea-to-sea missiles were simultaneously fired.
It did not elaborate on the specifications of the missiles or say whether they are new.
However, the semiofficial Fars news agency said on Saturday that four types of short-range missiles would be launched Sunday in the war games, including Nasr 1, a short-range cruise capable of destroying targets up to 3,000 tons in size.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard began Thursday the war games, an annual show of military strength that often leads to heightened tension in the region.
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