Israel impondrá un enfriamiento en sus ventas de armas a Turquía, antiguo y fuerte aliado, debido a las críticas del primer ministro turco Erdogan al Estado de Israel, que ha declarado, en un acercamiento a Irán, que Israel es la principal amenaza para la paz en Oriente Medio. Israel tendría bloqueado el uso del espacio aéreo turco para un posible ataque a instalaciones nucleares de Irán, por lo que estaría buscando alternativas. La India e Israel mantienen fuertes lazos militares y Israel podría utilizar su espacio aéreo para entrenamiento.
Uno de los programas a revisar es la venta a Turquía de equipos electrónicos SIBAT.
Las relaciones entre ambos estados se vienen deteriorando desde la invasión por Israel de la Franja de Gaza en Diciembre de 2008 y que acabó con el acuerdo de cooperación militar que mantenían desde 1996.
La industria de defensa de Israel se ha beneficiado de grandes contratos con Turquía en los últimos años y a pesar del enfriamiento ambos países están intentando vender conjuntamente carros de combate M-60 modernizados a Colombia.
El gobierno de Erdogan ha excluido a Israel de las maniobras OTAN y ha prohibido el uso del espacio aéreo turco por la Fuerza Aérea Israelí que se ejercitaba regularmente en el país, con vista a un posible ataque a Irán.
Sobre esto, en Mayo de 2008, la Fuerza Aérea Israelí, realizó un ejercicio utilizando mas de 100 aeronaves, que llegaron hasta el estrecho de Gibraltar.
Israel tiene acuerdos con Rumanía que permite que sus cazas se entrenen en este país.
En Marzo dos Gulfstream G-500 Shavit israelíes de inteligencia electrónica, fueron detectados en Hungría.
Israel will impose a temporary freeze on the sale of advanced weapons systems to Turkey, once a key ally, because of blistering criticism of the Jewish state by Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The latest outburst from Erdogan, who has been moving closer to Iran, came April 7 in Paris when he branded the Jewish state "the principal threat to regional peace" in the Middle East.
Meantime, the Israeli air force, blocked from Turkish air space and bracing for possible long-range attacks on Iran's nuclear infrastructure, is scouting for new training skies in Europe and Asia.
India has close military ties with Israel and that is being mooted as one option for the Israeli air force.
One issue under review by the ministry's Foreign Defense Assistance and Export Organization, known by its Hebrew acronym, SIBAT, is a Turkish request for Israeli electronic warfare systems.
Relations between Israel and Turkey have been steadily deteriorating since the Israeli military invaded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Dec. 27, 2008.
That effectively ended a landmark 1996 military cooperation agreement, which covered a wide range of intelligence-sharing, between Israel and Turkey, an overwhelmingly Muslim nation and NATO's only Muslim member.
Israel's defense industry benefited from big-ticket sales to Turkey over the years.
Relations soured even further over delays by Israel in delivering six Heron unmanned aerial vehicles ordered by Turkey under a 2005 contract for 10 of the surveillance drones. Despite the nosedive in diplomatic relations, Israel and Turkey have maintained "a cautious business relationship" and discussed the joint sale of upgraded U.S.-built M-60 main battle tanks to Colombia.
Erdogan's government excluded Israel from routine NATO air exercises last October in Turkey in reprisal for the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip. It later banned Israeli aircraft from deploying in Turkey, where the Israeli air force, constrained by the Jewish state's small size, regularly conducted exercises in Turkey's air space.
This lack of air space apparently has hampered air force training for possible long-range airstrikes against Iran, whose alleged nuclear arms program is viewed by Israel as an existential threat.
In recent years, the air force has intensified its long-range training schedule, presumably because of the growing threat from Iran.
The most prominent of these operations was a May 2008 exercise in which some 100 Israeli warplanes, including aerial tankers and command aircraft, flew the length of the Mediterranean from Greece to Gibraltar in what was widely seen as a dress rehearsal for an assault on Iran.
As a result, the Defense Ministry is looking to continue an agreement it signed in 2006 that allows fighter jets to deploy in Romania.
Two Israeli air force Gulfstream G-500 Shavit electronic intelligence aircraft were spotted over Hungary in March.