
Apr 1, 2010

Rusia y Grecia realizarán ejercicios navales conjuntos/Russia, Greece to hold joint naval drills

Las armada rusa y la armada griega realizarán maniobras conjuntas en 2010. La cooperación militar entre ambos países data de 1993. En los 90 Grecia adquirió material militar ruso por unos 1.000 millones de dólares, como el sistema de defensa aéreo TOR-M1, armas antitanque y lanchas de desembarco.
The Russian and Greek navies will conduct joint exercises in 2010 as part of a bilateral military cooperation action plan, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.Military-technical cooperation between Russia and Greece began in 1993 and the countries signed an intergovernmental agreement that is currently in force two years later. In the 1990s,Greece acquired over $1 billion worth of Russian weapons.
Russian TOR-M1 air defense systems, Kornet and Fagot antitank weapons, as well as air cushion landing craft Zubr are in service with theGreek Armed Forces.

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