EADS espera recibir un nuevo impulso por parte de los gobiernos de Francia, España y Alemania antes de mitad de año, si desean ver progresos en el vehículo sin piloto (UAV) Talarion. EADS ha completado dos años de investigaciones, y actualmente sigue el desarrollo con fondos propios. Ahora empieza una fase crítica del proceso para la cual EADS ha requerido apoyo gubernamental. De no recibirse el proyecto se paralizaría.
EADS must receive a renewed commitment from the governments of France, Germany and Spain by mid-year if it is to make further progress with the Talarion unmanned air vehicle project, says Stefan Zoller, chief executive of its Defence & Security unit.
The company completed a two-year risk reduction activity on the Talarion system last year, and is continuing self-funded development work leading to a preliminary design review (PDR) to be conducted "this summer". A critical design review (CDR) should follow in mid-2011, but Zoller warns that without receiving fresh support and detailed requirements from all three partner nations soon the project could founder.
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