
Apr 10, 2010

Fallece el presidente de Polonia en accidente aéreo/Polish President killed in crash

El presidente de Polonia, Lech Kaczynski, ha fallecido junto a otras 87 personas en el Tu-154 que lo trasladaba a Rusia, cerca de la ciudad de Smolensk, Rusia.
El presidente se dirigía a Rusia para los actos de celebración del 70 aniversario de la matanza de Katyn, perpetrada por el ejército soviético en la Segunda Guerra Mundial sobre miles de polacos. Al parece el TU-154 se estrelló contra unos arboles mientras intentaba aterrizar en Smolensk. No hay supervivientes.
La Fuerza Aérea Polaca operaba dos Tu-154M para transporte VIP desde 1990, y se estaba considereando sustituirlos por aviones Boeing o Airbus.
BBC News is reporting that the Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, has been killed together with up to 87 others when his Tupolev Tu-154 crashed at Smolensk in Russia.

The report says that the President was flying to Russia to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, when Soviet soldiers killed thousands of Poles. Official reports from Russia say that the aircraft crashed into trees while attempting to land at Smolensk in thick fog. There are believed to be no survivors. It is thought that 88 people were on board, including the crew.
The Polish Air Force operated two Tu-154M Careless airliners in the VIP transport role with 36 Special Air Transport Regiment, based at Warszawa-Okecie Air Base. In service since 1990, the Polish Government was considering replacing the Russian-built aircraft with a Boeing or Airbus type.

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