
Mar 3, 2013

Poland issues new jet trainer tender

Poland's armament inspectorate has launched a new tender to acquire eight advanced jet trainers (AJT) and associated equipment for the nation's air force. The aircraft are to be operated by the 4th Flight Training Wing at the service's academy in Deblin.
Worth an estimated 1.5 billion zloty ($470 million), the proposal also covers the provision of a full mission simulator, cockpit and egress procedures trainers and computer-based training/computer-assisted instruction devices. A full logistics support package is also required, with spare parts, technical documentation, maintenance and repair equipment.
Also contained in the announcement is a surprise clause, which will enable Warsaw to cancel the process if fewer than three bidders are able to meet the programme's conditions.
Offers should be received by 2 April 2013, with sources suggesting that technical negotiations should start in mid-July. Final offers are to be submitted during November, with a selection to be made before the end of 2013. A deal should be finalised by 15 January 2014, with equipment deliveries to conclude by 30 November 2017.


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