
Mar 6, 2013

Giant Airship Could Move Huge Amounts of Cargo

A huge helium-filled airship with military and commercial uses has been unveiled near Los Angeles. It is still experimental, but a full-sized working model should be finished in a few years.
The prototype unveiled in this immense World War II hangar near Los Angeles is just half the size of the final working model. But the prototype is massive, at 75-meters-long. It is wide, flattened on the top, and covered with silver-colored Mylar, a tough kind of polyester.
The craft was built with $35 million in funding from the Pentagon and the U.S. space agency, NASA. The final version will double the length and provide eight times the cargo space, carrying up to 60 metric tons, all without ground support, says Shenny Yao of the company Aeros.

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