
Mar 13, 2014

Czech govt approves extension of Swedish Gripen fighters lease

The Czech cabinet approved the extension of the Czech lease of 14 Swedish Gripen supersonic fighters until 2027 with a two-year option.
The annual instalments are to be one-third lower than now.
The aircraft will be modernised and that the new contract will embed more services for the Czech Republic increasing combat readiness.
The lease extension deal focuses on upgrading the Gripens' efficiency in attacking ground targets. It also includes the Czech Defence Ministry's requirements concerning the training of both the ground and flying personnel. Sweden is to train 25 Czech pilots and 90 technicians during the 12-year contract.
The Gripens will be equipped with night vision and will be able to communicate with allied planes within NATO.
This will enable their deployment in allied operations such as the former monitoring of the airspace over Libya, which Czech pilots could not join because the Gripens' systems were incompatible with those used by other allies.

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