Aviones Rafale de la marina francesa procedentes del portaaviones Charles de Gaulle realizaron practicas de toma y despegue (touch-and-go)sobre el portaaviones americano USS Harry S Truman, aunque tambien se ha realizado una toma de Rafale, que fue llevado al hangar de mantenimiento dónde su motor fue desmontado para volverse a montar, probando la interoperabilidad entre ambas marinas.
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet también realizaron touch-and-go sobre el Charles de Gaulle, que recientemente ha salido del dique seco, tras 15 meses de proceso de modernización.
La Marina francesa, dispone de 29 Rafale F3, y 10 Rafale F1 (aire-aire).
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Onboard the USS Harry S. Truman - A brace of French Navy Rafales flying from the Charles de Gaulle carrier roared down to perform touch-and-go landings on the vast deck of this Nimitz class carrier, in a show of interoperability between the two navies.
The cross-deck operations included a Rafale landing on the U.S. carrier June 4, being taken down in one of the maintenance hangars and having one of its engines removed and refitted.
Meanwhile, F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, practiced touch-and-go landings on the Charles de Gaulle, which is sailing nearby as the French carrier undergoes qualification after a 15-month drydock for refit of its nuclear propulsion system.
The French Navy has 29 of the navalized Rafale F3s, and 10 at the F1 air-to-air version, which the service hopes will be upgraded.
The Rafale F3 with the nuclear-tipped ASMP/A missile is due to be declared operational about July 1.
"The aircraft carrier is the ultimate symbol of American power," Witney said.
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