
Nov 7, 2013

Rooivalk attack helo makes combat debut in DRC

The Rooivalk attack helicopter fired its first shots in anger on 4 November. For their mission in the DRC, the helicopters are painted in a UN-white finish.
The Denel Rooivalk attack helicopter made its combat debut on 4 November, while conducting armed overwatch and close air support flights of UN personnel in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Two South African Air Force (SAAF) Rooivalks fired multiple 70 mm rocket salvos against M23 rebel bunkers close to the Rwandan border, while operating on behalf of the UN Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO).
The Roovivalks destroyed one rebel 14.5 mm anti-aircraft gun and dispersed forces in the area.
The SAAF deployed three Rooivalk helicopters to the DRC in late October, clearing them to begin operations on the day that this first contact took place.
South Africa fields 11 Rooivalk helicopters in all, operated by 16 Squadron based at Air Force Base Bloemspruit. It has previously declined to offer them for UN peacekeeping efforts in Africa because they were not fully operational. However, this changed in March when the fleet was brought up to a common Block 1F combat capable standard.

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