Airbus ha entregado el primero de los cinco C-295 de transporte a la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana, y ha confirmado la venta de otra unidad a Finlandia. La segunda unidad para Mexico se entregará en un par de semanas, estando todos entregados a finales de 2010. La Armada Mexicana ya recibió dos C-295 de transporte en Abril de 2009, además de cuatro CN-235 de patrulla marítima.
Finlandia ha pedido un tercer C-295, una semana después de anunciar que transformaría uno de los que ya posee en avión de vigilancia aérea con equipos suministrados por Lockheed Martin.
Airbus Military has delivered its first of five C-295 tactical transports to the Mexican air force and confirmed the receipt of a follow-on order for the type from Finland.
Mexico's first air force example was accepted in late May, and Airbus Military says a second will follow within weeks.
The remaining three are all scheduled for customer acceptance before the end of 2010.
The European company delivered two C-295 transports to the Mexican navy in 2009 and in April handed over the service's first two of four CN-235 maritime patrol aircraft.
Meanwhile, the Finnish air force has ordered a third C-295, one week after it announced plans to equip one of its existing transports with an airborne surveillance payload.
Helsinki received its current two C-295s from 2007, and has picked Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Services-Defense to provide surveillance equipment.
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