La USAF va a utilizar el QF-4 Phantom para remolque de blancos, con el fin de que las tripulaciones de caza practiquen el tiro con cañón. Debido a los recortes en materia de defensa, el contrato mediante el cual se utilizaban aviones Learjet, ha sido cancelado. Los QF-4 están basados en Tyndall, Florida.
The US Air Force is to use the QF-4 Phantom for banner tow missions to ensure combat fighter aircrews could continue training and developing their aerial gunnery skills. Due to costs, the Navy contract for use of Lear jets was being cut, and this is the way to accomplish with this training. Based at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida, the QF-4s are used by the 82nd ATRS as aerial target drones, usually flown unmanned and often destroyed in live fire exercises.
All sorties are conducted over water, far from shore.
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