Polonia está evaluando la posibilidad de realizar una modernización en su flota de Su-22 y MiG-29 para mantener su fuerza de cazas, incluso aunque el nuevo entrenador previsto pueda realizar funciones de caza.
La decisión sobre el Su-22 es mas urgente, ya que su vida útil acaba en 2014. Se baraja aumentar su vida útil en 200 horas de vuelo o dos años de vida. Polonia está reduciendo su flota de Su-22 a 32 unidades.
Sobre el MiG-29, el plan es mas ambicioso, ya que su vida útil se podría extender 20 años más (4.000 horas de vuelo) para un escuadrón de 16 cazas, lo que lo mantendría en servicio hasta2029.
The Polish defense ministry is evaluating upgrades to its Su-22 and MiG-29 force to sustain its fighter inventory even as it looks to field a new trainer that also would take on light fighter roles.
Decisions on the Su-22 are most acute, since the first of the aircraft will reach the end of its service life in 2014. The near-term plan is to add 200 flight hours, or two years of operational life. This would allow delaying a decision on what to do next until 2016. Poland currently is reducing its Su-22 fleet to 32 units.
Also in the plan is a far more extensive upgrade of some MiG-29s to add 20 more years (or 4,000 flight hours) to one squadron of 16 fighters. It would keep the fighter in service until 2029.
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