Boeing ha comunicado que espera firmar la venta a Jordania de 18 a 24 unidades de su nuevo helicóptero de ataque ligero AH-6 a finales de 2010, así como 36 unidades para Arabia Saudí.
Jordania ha evaluado el helicóptero durante casi un año, tanto en el desierto jordano como en Estados Unidos, y en mayo firmó una carta de intenciones para su compra.
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Boeing officials revealed today that they expect to sign a contract with Jordan for 18 to 24 of its new AH-6 light attack choppers by the end of the year while another 36 of the birds are set to go to Saudi Arabia as apart of the $60 billion arms deal recently penned with the United States.
Jordan has been testing the new chopper for nearly a year now, both in the desert Kingdom and in the Southwestern U.S., and in May it signed a letter of intent to buy the aircraft.
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