Durante el pasado mes de septiembre, un número no determinado de Su-27 y MiG-29 de la Fuerza Aérea de la República Popular China realizaron maniobras conjuntas con F-16 de la Fuerza Aérea Turca, en la base aérea de Konya.
Poco antes se celebraba en Turquía el importante 'Anatolian Eagle' de la OTAN.
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Sometime during September, an unknown number of China's People's Liberation Army Air Force Russian-built Su-27 and Mig-29 fighters landed at the huge Konya airbase in Turkey's central Anatolia region.
Within a few days they were training with Turkish US-built F-16 fighters in the first ever military exercise of its kind between China and a NATO country.
The brief training exercise, significantly held under the aegis of the 'Anatolian Eagle' series of joint military manoeuvres with NATO and other friendly powers, reflects multiple factors that will take some time for Turkey's allies to fully decipher.
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