Un fallo técnico ha sido la causa del retorno a puerto del portaaviones, tan solo un día después de zarpar rumbo al Índico, para apoyo a la misión en Afganistán.
La avería ha sido localizada en el sistema de propulsión. Las reparaciones durarán un par de días.
El Charles de Gaulle ha sufrido continuos problemas técnicos desde su botadura en 1994. Entre Julio de 2007 y diciembre de 2008, estuvo fuera de servicio, por una gran revisión.
Su tripulación se compone de 3.000 marineros, y 27 aeronaves: 10 Rafale F3 fighters, 12 Super Etendard , dos Hawkeye de alerta temprana y tres helicópteros.
El buque tenía previsto realizar maniobras con Arabia Saudí, India, Itala, Grecia y Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Tiene previsto volver a Francia en Febrero de 2011
A technical fault has forced France's flagship and only aircraft carrier to return to port less than a day after it set off to fight piracy and terrorism in the Indian Ocean.
A spokesman said a problem was found in the insulation of an electrical cabinet in the propulsion system of the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. It would take a few days to carry out the necessary repairs.
The ship has been plagued with technical problems since it was launched in 1994.
Between July 2007 and December 2008 it was taken out of service for a major refit.
In all, the battle group carries 3,000 sailors and 27 aircraft: 10 Rafale F3 fighters, 12 Super Etendard attack jets, two Hawkeye early warning planes and three helicopters.
The ships will also train alongside allies from Saudi Arabia, India, Italy, Greece and the United Arab Emirates and make two stopovers at the French base in Djibouti before returning to France in February 2011
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