Croacia y Eslovenia han acordado estudiar la compra conjunta de 12 nuevos cazas.
Croacia dispone de cazas MiG-21 cuya vida útil termina en 2011. Actualmente dispone de 10 unidades, estando solo cuatro operativa.
Se ha tenido en cuenta para su sustitución el Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16, RSK MiG-35 y el Saab Gripen, pero debido a restricciones presupuestarias no ha sido posible adquirir un sustituto.
Eslovenia dispone de nueve Pilatus PC-9M, con capacidad de disparar cohetes, ametralladoras y misiles AIM-9 Sidewinder, aunque su defensa aéra la proporciona Italia.
Podría formarse una fuerza aérea conjunta entre ambos países, y podría también adquirirse un avión de transporte de manera también.
Croatia and Slovenia have agreed to form a new working group to study the possible joint procurement of at least 12 multirole fighters.
Croatia's remaining MiG-21s will reach the end of their service lives by the end of 2011. Two of its aircraft were lost in a recent mid-air collision, which reduced its fleet of the type to 10, but that includes only four operational examples.
The nation had postponed a new fighter tender due to budget constraints, with the Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16, RSK MiG-35 and Saab Gripen having been in contention. It is unclear when a decision could be made under the new bilateral arrangement.
The Slovenian air force has nine Pilatus PC-9Ms modified to carry unguided rockets and pod-housed machine guns. They are also wired to carry Raytheon AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles, although Italy now provides air policing cover for the nation.
A joint Croatian/Slovenian air force could be established at the latter's Cerklje air base, with co-operation between the NATO members to also possibly be extended to a joint transport acquisition.
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