Airbus Military está a punto de empezar ensayos de lanzamiento de carga y paracaidistas.
El prototipo MSN1, va ser desplazado a la base de la RAF en Brize Norton, para realizar pruebas de reabastecimiento en vuelo en seco, junto a un Vickers VC10, con el fin de eliminar riesgos para futuras pruebas.
El comportamiento en climas fríos se llevará a cabo en Canadá y Suecia, operaciones en aeropuertos a gran altura se realizarán en La Paz, Bolivia, y las de calor extremo se realizarán en Al Ain, Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
El programa A400M dispone de tres prototipos, que han realizados 200 salidas y 672 horas de vuelo hasta la fecha.
Airbus Military is poised to perform its first air-drop assessments with the A400M transport, while long-running contract negotiations with its seven European customers appear to also be making significant progress.
Development aircraft MSN1, which is undergoing artificial ice trials flying from Toulouse, will soon start air-drop tests and paratroops.
MSN1 is also to be deployed to the Royal Air Force's Brize Norton air base in the UK for up to 10 days to undergo receiver trials behind a Vickers VC10. To involve only dry contacts, the work will de-risk further work to be done using MSN4 next year.
Cold weather trials will be performed in Sweden and Canada, high-altitude operating tests made in La Paz, Bolivia, and hot weather activities conducted in Al Ain, the United Arab Emirates.
The A400M programme's current three test assets had flown a combined 200 sorties and 672 flight hours by 25 October.
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