Se anunció la semana pasada por varios medios de Internet, que aviones Su-27 y MiG-29 de la Fuerza Aérea China realizaron maniobras con la Fuerza Aérea Turca en el ejercicio Anatolian Eagle, pero China ha publicado una declaración negando que hayan participado aviones, aunque si existió entrenamiento conjunto. China alega que sus aviones no tienen capacidad de reabastecimiento en vuelo, y que no se pidió permiso para el sobrevuelo de Afganistán.
Various media outlets have been reporting that Chinese Air Force Su-27 Flankers and MiG-29 Fulcrums had been exercising with Turkish Air Force aircraft at Konya Air Base recently under Exercise Anatolian Eagle, but China denies sending aircraft to Turkey.
The Chinese Air Force has issued a statement saying that “joint training” has been undertaken with the Turkish military between September 20 and October 4, but that no aircraft were involved.
In April 2009 the Chinese Air Force Commander General Xu Qiliang visited the Turkish Air Force Commander Hassan Al-Aqsa to agree “military exchanges” in the form of joint training. However, the statement goes on to say that the Chinese Air Force has no air-to-air refuelling capability and that Turkey is beyond the range of its fighter aircraft. Clearance to fly over Afghanistan was also never agreed, it said.
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