Antiguos mandos de la Royal Navy han advertido al gobierno de que no sería muy arriesgado retirar a los Harrier, antes de que llegue su sustituto, el F-35 JSF.
Al parecer, está previsto que la flota de Harrier sea fuertemente recortada en el documento de política de defensa que se va a presentar el próximo día 20. El mayor riesgo de la retirada sería que no podrían realizarse operaciones como la que se realizó en 1982 para recuperar las Malvinas.
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Two former heads of the Royal Navy have warned the Government it would be "very risky" to scrap the UK's fleet of Harrier jets before new Joint Strike Fighters are ready to take their place on board aircraft carriers.
The Harriers are thought likely to be a high-profile casualty of Wednesday's Comprehensive Spending Review, when the Ministry of Defence is expected to face cuts of around 8%.
But former First Sea Lords Lord West and Sir Jonathon Band warned that this would mean Britain had no jet capable of launching from its carrier fleet until the new JSF F-35s enter service in 2018, leaving it incapable of mounting an operation like the mission to free the Falklands in 1982.
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