El Ministerio de Defensa británico ha confirmado que personal del 51 Squadron con base en RAF Waddington,Lincolnshire, han completado su primera semana de entrenamiento con la USAF en el RC-135w "Rivet Joint", en la base aérea de Offutt,Nebraska. La RAF dispondrá de tres RC-135W ‘Rivet Joint’ en 2014.
Cuatro tripulaciones británicas se desplegarán junto a tripulaciones norteamericanas en misiones por todo el mundo, Afganistán incluído.
El entrenamiento durará de tres a cinco meses. Una vez completado, las tripulaciones volverán al Reino Unido, para integrarse en el 343 Escuadron de Reconocimiento del ala 55 con base en RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk. Este escuadrón perderá sus Nimrod R1 el treinta y uno de marzo.
The UK Ministry of Defence has confirmed that personnel from 51 Squadron normally based at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire have completed their first week of training with the US Air Force at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska on the RC-135W ‘Rivet Joint’ aircraft, of which the RAF is to get three from 2014.
Up to four crews will deploy from the summer with their US colleagues on combined operations worldwide, including Afghanistan. Pilots, navigators and electronic warfare officers in addition to intelligence operators and airborne maintenance technicians are amongst those being trained.
Training will take between three and five months depending on specific crew positions. Once this is complete, the RAF aircrew members will return to the UK and be attached to the 55th Wing's 343rd Reconnaissance Squadron, flying missions from RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk. The squadron will lose its remaining two Nimrod R1s on March 31.
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