La nueva presidenta brasileña retrasará la elección del nuevo caza de Brasil hasta 2012, debido a restricciones presupuestarias.
Hasta la fecha, el caza francés Rafale, era el favorito para ganar el programa FX-2, sobre todo por el apoyo del gobierno de Lula, aunque el Gripen NG tiene un precio mas asequible, unas mayores contrapartidas industriales para Brasil, con las consiguientes oportunidades de exportación a otros países de América Latina. El Gripen NG es el favorito de la Fuerza Aérea y Embraer. El Ministro de Defensa Jobim, apoya al Rafale.
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Brazilian new President Dilma Rousseff is apparently pushing back the decision on the acquisition of the new fighter aircraft for Brazil’s Air Force sometime to 2012. Local reports are citing reduced government expenditure as the reason for the delay.
While the french Rafale, was though to be the forerunner of Brazil’s FX-2 program, favored by former president Lula and the government the Swedish Gripen NG was though to be more affordable at 10 billion reals (US$6 billion) and having better export potential in Latin America, a fact that could contribute to Brazil’s aerospace industries advantages. President Dilma was reportedly in consultation with Embraer and the Air Force Commander, Gen. Juniti Saito, both supported the selection of Saab’s Gripen NG over the Rafaele, strongly endorsed by former Defense Minister Nelson Jobim.
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