Crecen los rumores sobre el Eurofighter y su victoria sobre sus competidores en el concurso de la Fuerza Aérea India para dotarse de un nuevo caza (MMRCA), con un importe de 10.000 millones de dólares. El Rafale francés habría quedado en segundo puesto.
La presión del presidente Obama no ha sido suficiente para que venciera el F-16 o el F-18.
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The buzz has started about which new ‘fighter bird’ will rule the Indian skies as well as those of enemy.
The Eurofighter aircraft, it seems, has emerged the winner after a long ‘dogfight’ among six foreign 4.5th generation jet planes to clinch over $10-billion Indian Air Force deal for 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA). The second runner-up is said to be the French fighter Rafale.
Despite the aggressive business-oriented visit of US President Barack Obama recently, two major competing American military aircraft makers, Boeing and Lockheed Martin, have lost their pitch.
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