Dos bombarderos rusos fueron interceptados por F-16 holandeses la pasad noche cuando entraban en espacio aéreo holandés.
Los F-16 vigilaban los movimientos de los Tu-95, que habían sido escoltados por aviones Noruegos y daneses.
Los F-16 siguieron a los rusos hasta que se dirigieron a las islas británicas.
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Two Russian bombers were intercepted by Dutch F-16 planes last night. The Russians had flown into Dutch airspace; it is not clear why the Russian planes were there.
The F-16s were ordered to monitor the movements of the Bear T-95 planes. Before they entered Dutch airspace, the Russians were escorted by the Norwegian and Danish air forces.
The F-16s followed the Russian planes until the British air force took over above the British Isles.
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