
Oct 2, 2010

Holanda retirará sus Chinook de Afganistán/ Dutch Chinooks withdraw from Afghanistan

El Ministerio de Defensa Holandés ha confirmado que retirará de Afganistán los tres helicópteros Chinook que sirven de apoyo a la misión ISAF, coincidiendo con el final del apoyo holandés a la misión.
Los Chinook, forman parte del 298 Escuadrón, y han estado basados en Kandahar desde Abril de 2005, volando unas 3.000 horas.
The Dutch Ministry of Defence has confirmed that the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s three Chinook helicopters deployed to support ISAF missions in Afghanistan are to be withdrawn following the nation’s decision to end its support of the campaign.
The Chinooks from 298 Squadron have been based at Kandahar Airfield since April 2005 and have flown over 3,000 hours over the five years. They were used for supply, medical evacuation and special operations. The three helicopters will be transported back to home base Gilze-Rijen by transport aircraft.

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